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Hot Money review : Q&A with General Wesley Clark : "It is only doom and gloom if we deny what is happening"

Interview by John Lyman

What was the impetus behind Hot Money?

Your film paints a dire picture for America unless the ship is righted. Is it all doom and gloom?

Hot Money highlights Nicolás Maduro’s Venezuela as a real-world example of what awaits America unless it changes course. Is this a fair reading?

Many hold the belief that America is an extremely wealthy country. Considering the debt held by Americans and the U.S. government, what is your view?

Do Americans need to think about wealth differently?

Is there an ideal economic model that supports sustainability? Conservatives will often paint their opponents who even mention sustainability as “socialists.”

Much of your film focuses on climate change. Why are many Americans averse to acknowledging its reality? And even if Americans do accept climate change, why won’t they take the steps necessary to curb its effects?

How many Americans are one natural disaster away from ruin? In the decades to come, if climate change isn’t addressed many coastal communities will cease to exist.

Hot Money goes to great lengths to show the plight of American farmers. Does the future hold any promise for American farming?

During your time in the U.S. Army, how much time was given to discussing climate change?

Did you approach your son about making this film or vice versa?

How did Jeff Bridges become involved?

What is the one thing you want viewers to take away after watching Hot Money?

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