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Emilia Clarke Admitted That Everybody Hated Working on This Mega Franchise Sequel — And Was Glad It Bombed

When Game of Thronesbecame a major hit, most of its cast members were tapped to star in other film and TV projects, especially Emilia Clarke. It only makes sense, as Clarke played Daenerys Targaryen, aka the "Mother of Dragons"; not only was Daenerys' storyline one of the most compelling parts of Game of Thrones, but Clarke's performance cemented her as one of the show's best characters, and even led to people naming their newborns after Daenerys. But her first big film franchise flamed out at the box office, and it turns out that she wasn't too heartbroken about it. That film happened to be Terminator Genisys, one of the latest attempts to reboot the Terminator franchise.

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