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Meredith’s Alzheimer’s Research on 'Grey's Anatomy' Doesn’t Ruin Derek’s

In its ongoing, nearly twenty-year run, Grey’s Anatomy has had plenty of dramatic and devastating moments as we've watched these doctors go through hell and back on their quests for love and medical excellence. One story, however, stands out as possibly the most heartbreaking, but also the most realistic. This, of course, was when we watched Meredith (Ellen Pompeo) slowly lose her mother to Alzheimer’s disease. While her relationship with Ellis (Kate Burton) was strained at best, watching Meredith take on the burden of her mother’s care while also trying to salvage a maternal bond was hard to watch. Evidently, this tragedy was just as upsetting to Meredith’s husband, Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey), as he went on to conduct a clinical trial for a potential Alzheimer’s cure. Flash forward to Season 19, and Meredith returns to Grey’s Anatomy to announce that she’s made an Earth-shattering discovery that could change the face of Alzheimer’s as we know it, and… her friends are mad at her?

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