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'Scream' Was Inspired by a Real-Life Murder Spree

Scream is widely regarded as one of the greatest horror films ever made. With Neve Campbell in the lead role, the movie also set the foundation for a massively successful horror franchise. Written by Kevin Williamson and directed by Wes Craven, Scream single-handedly reinvented the once dead slasher genre for a new generation. While most might hold the 1996 film in high regard as an all-time great, it's not usually seen as one of the scariest movies ever made. Ghostface is indeed frightening, but the tone isn't as dark as say, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Scream aims to be fun. You get anxious, you jump, but then you laugh. There's no fun to be found in its backstory though, as Williamson was inspired to pen his most famous creation after watching a show about one of America's most heinous serial killers.

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