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'Mea Culpa' Ending Explained – Is Zyair Guilty?

Tyler Perry's erotic legal thriller Mea Culpa sets up the premise for a looming mystery right from the beginning when defense attorney Mea Harper (Kelly Rowland) takes up the high-profile case involving painter Zyair Malloy (Trevante Rhodes), who has allegedly killed his former lover. On the verge of a fading marriage, Mea finds it difficult to stay away from her attractive client, who happens to know his way around the art of seduction. The Netflix original film, Mea Culpa, follows Rowland as she tries to deduce whether her client is innocent or guilty. By the end of the film, it slowly turns out that everyone involved is guilty of something, as suggested by the film’s tagline. Mea Culpa’s ending also leaves the audience on a rather anticlimactic note after quite a steamy turn of events.

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