Why The Batman Should Go Supernatural
It seems that no matter what version of Batman you're selling, he's always a popular sell. From the feature and animated films to all the various cartoon series and comic books, the Dark Knight is without a doubt DC Comics' — and by extension Warner Bros. — bestseller. The Batman, Matt Reeves' most recent directorial feature, has especially wowed audiences across the globe, and fans are chomping at the bits for more. With a pulse-pounding story, incredible performances (especially from Robert Pattinson, who knocks it out of the park as Batman), and a thought-provoking personal journey for our titular hero, The Batman goes to some familiar places, and others not-so-familiar. No doubt there's a sequel already in some stage of development, and with Reeves also executive producing the upcoming Batman: Caped Crusader animated series - alongside J.J. Abrams and DCAU legend Bruce Timm - it's clear that his work with Gotham's guardian isn't done.
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